

English <> Spanish <> Italian translations for law and business

Optimise your translation process by working with a translator who specialises in your field.

Drawing on my experience of working with law firms and businesses in the early stages of my career, I have developed a translation process that is specifically adapted to the needs of the industries I serve.

  • Client completes a very short form specifying their requirements
  • I research terminology and, on request, compile a specialised glossary specifically for client
  • Client approves glossary
  • I translate
  • I edit and proofread
  • I deliver the final text

This process makes for quick turnaround and a well-researched translation, avoiding many rounds of revisions.

For returning clients, the process is even smoother as all their glossaries and past briefs are kept safely in my records.

Do you have an urgent request?

I can take on projects that need to be quickly translated or checked.

Do you need proofreading by a second translator?

Do you need another language combination?

I draw on a network of trusted and qualified professionals who only translate into their mother tongue.

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I can handle all types of text within my specialisations. If the text you would like translated is not part of my listed specialisations, please get in touch and we can discuss your needs.

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I check your documents are completely correct, including in spelling, grammar, terminology, punctuation and formatting to ensure they are consistent, accurate and ready for use.

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Certified translations

I can certify all translated documents in compliance with the Chartered Institute of Linguists (CIOL) guidelines to confirm that they are true to the original and were translated by a professional translator.

Lead time varies for certifications depending on the type of document and length of the text. As a guide, simple one-page documents such as diplomas can generally be turned around within 24 hours.

This service does not include court certification.

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Court-certified translations (Sworn translations)

I can also provide a sworn translation for all types of text. This will confirm that they are true to the original and entails adding a signature, stamp, and a statement (oath) in the presence of a court clerk, justice of the peace or notary.

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I can have your documents legalised by Chambers of Commerce and Prefectures and all sworn translations legalised by a Consulate or apostilled. If you are unsure about your requirements, do not hesitate to get in touch.